5 Natural Ways to Help Restore Your Natural Sleep Cycle

Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the most critical components to health and happiness.  Your body doesn’t get the chance to recuperate during the day, so it needs time at night to restore and rejuvenate itself.

Unfortunately, today’s society has made achieving a good night’s rest difficult: we work more hours, stress out more than ever, and jam-pack our schedules with so much to do that we rarely get the time we need for ourselves.

The good news is, however, there are certain nutrients and foods that can help you sleep better at night. Here are five of them:

1. Magnesium

Magnesium takes a central role in the production of melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep.  It also helps your body use other important chemicals relating to sleep, including serotonin and dopamine.

Unfortunately, today’s diets are very low in magnesium, making us deficient in this vital nutrient.  The best way to get more magnesium? Eat green leafy vegetables or supplement with magnesium before bed.

2. Chamomile tea

The next time you have trouble sleeping, try having a cup of chamomile tea about forty-five minutes before bedtime. This gentle yet effective herb provides relief for those who suffer from allergies or mild insomnia; plus, its side effects are minimal and many find it addictive.

3. Tart cherry juice

Tart cherries, a rich source of melatonin, are also high in iron and vitamin A, which can help you fall asleep faster on those days when you might be dragging a bit. You can drink them as juice or eat the fresh fruit by itself as a snack before bedtime.

4. A light dinner

Your body needs to have enough time before bedtime to focus on digestion, so it’s best not to have a heavy meal right before you plan to turn in for the night.  Instead, try having a light dinner consisting of whole grains and proteins that is easy to digest. The American Dietetic Association recommends eating whole grains and proteins to help reduce heartburn and indigestion issues, both of which can keep you up at night.

5. Try CBD Oil for your sleep disorder

If you suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders, try using CBD oil before bed. CBD is an all-natural chemical compound found in marijuana but without the psychotropic effects.Try taking the right CBD amounts about an hour before bedtime to reap the benefits of a good night’s rest.

Finding these supplements can be difficult if you don’t have a local health food store, so consider purchasing the supplements online at sites like shopkclabs.com.

The best part about CBD oil? You do not need to worry about getting “high” because it contains very little THC, does not have any psychotropic effects, and is an all-natural product derived from industrial hemp plants.

This substance is legal in all 50 states and thousands of people are ordering it online to help promote their health.

Now that you know these supplements, make sure your vitamin cabinet is always stocked with them so you can encourage your body into a healthy sleep cycle. Also, consider writing out a “to-do” list before bed so you can relax and let go of any stress. By taking a proactive approach to your sleep, you can improve the quality of your life and avoid the serious health risks associated with sleep deprivation.


Until recently, insomnia was a condition that people just had to live with. However, as science has advanced and technology has allowed us to understand the body better, we have learned that sleep disorders can be treated naturally without harmful side effects. If you’re interested in natural remedies to treat your sleepless nights, try supplements or CBD oil. If you are looking for an extra boost, ask your doctor about medications that can help, but make sure to always follow his or her advice.